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Now you can own "CHASING CHANGE -

3Days of Codes & Clearings

to Help You Create the Change You Desire"

Join Nancy Allen & Debbie Emerson for:
***CHASING CHANGE, 3-Days of Codes & Clearing***

Nancy Allen & Debbie Emerson have each been teaching and performing energy healings for close to 30 years.  Together, they bring an energy and sensitivity to their clients that is not to be missed.


** This is a replay of the LIVE Workshop **
During this 3Day Workshop Nancy and Debbie will:
• guide you on an exploration of discovery, as you realize the reasons WHY you cannot change the things you SAY you want to change.
• help you uncover WHERE you store the blocks to your ability to Change.
• remove multiple levels of conscious and unconscious blocks to Change thru Empowered Energetics.
• install Quantum Healing Codes to rewire, rebalance, and replenish your energy field to facilitate the change you desire.
• deliver Sacred Activations to reboot your ‘havingness’.

….and there’s MORE…

Each day of the Workshop addresses the energy

of a different ’body’.
• Physical Body
• Emotional Body
• Mental Body

It is important to address the Blocks to Change in individual layers, AND do it in the correct order, so that the maximum release can be accomplished quickly and gently.

Often times we ask for change but when it comes it may turn our lives upside down. You may have noticed that you can never change just one thing. When one thing changes, many things change. The visual that comes to mind is the old game of Pick Up Sticks... You pull out 1 stick and the others rearrange themselves.


So...what's stopping you from creating the changes you are asking for.


• Click the ADD TO CART button

• Download the Companion Workbook, mp3 Audio Files, and gain exclusve access to the streaming Video files... [which include closed captioning]


Join us for this 3Day Workshop, and start to realize the Changes you desire.



Chasing Change 3Day Workshop

$97.00 Regular Price
$67.00Sale Price
  • • 3 Days of Self Discovery & Reflection
    • 3 Days of videos recorded at the live workshop [streamable & closed captioned]
    • 3 Days of mp3’s from the videos you can listen to any time, anywhere [downloadable]
    • A specially designed Companion Workbook containing session instructions, exercises, the codes that we install, and additional resources.

    >>  You will receive a download link after checkout  <<



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