Book A Personal Code Session

LIVE Personalized
Code Session
So How Does This Work?
This session is all about YOU...
This session is held via Video Conferencing... I typically use Zoom... so we can WORK TOGETHER [...if zoom is unavailable in your area we have lots of other options]
A 1 hour session produces multiple codes intuited from YOUR PERSONAL concerns & desires... the energetic significance of the codes are researched.. then we install the codes together. If any ongoing 'reinforcement' is required, you'll be instructed on how to do that... [it's easy... water, oil, or crystals may be indicated as 'code carriers'...]
**A session typically includes energy tools training as well.**
Following the Codes Install, I'll then prepare:
• a written report outlining the question posed
• the Code[s] received
• the energetic significance of the Code[s]
• instructions for using a 'carrier' if any ongoing reinforcement is required
Following payment confirmation, you will be routed to Download 2 files...
1] A Code Info Sheet
2] A Client Data Sheet... here you'll be asked to outline your concerns or desires for our session... once I receive this info sheet I'll contact you to schedule a meeting time... sessions are held via video conferencing.
Following your session you will receive a written report outlining everything we did.
I look forward to helping you find your Assisting Frequencies.
Book this 1hour LIVE personal session... $111

Personalized Code Session thru EMAIL
So How Does This Work?
This session is all about YOU...
As indicated, this session is held thru email utilizing distance healing techniques to connect with and generate a 'conversation' with YOUR higher self.
Once 'connected', YOUR PERSONAL concerns & desires, as outlined on the Client Info Sheet, are used to direct the emergence of the codes.
I'll then research the energetic significance of the codes that came up... then install the codes, on your behalf, into your energy field using distance healing techniques... [many times more than 2codes emerge.]
I'll then prepare:
• a written report outlining the question posed
• the Codes received
• the energetic significance of the Codes
• instructions for using a 'carrier' if any ongoing reinforcement is indicated
Once payment has been confirmed, you will be routed to Download 2 files...
1] A Code Info Sheet
2] A Client Data Sheet... here you'll be asked to outline your concerns or desires for the session... once I receive this info sheet I'll get to work on intuiting a 'question' to bring YOUR CODES through.
Following your session you will receive a written report outlining everything I did. If any ongoing 'reinforcement' is indicated, you'll be instructed on how to do that... [it's easy... water, oil, crystals, or the wrist reader may be indicated as 'code carriers'...]
I look forward to helping you find your Assisting Frequencies.