- The Angel of Secrets
- Archangel Raziel’s persona is similar to a wise old wizard.
- As the Archangel of the Chokmah Raziel presides over the action of turning knowledge into practical wisdom.
- Ask for Raziel’s help to assist in healing painful memories and past traumas
Archangel Raziel presides over the action of turning knowledge into practical wisdom. Raziel helps us humans ply our knowledge until it becomes spiritualized and second nature to us. This requires attuning to our higher self, which is the connection to Divine wisdom.
Raziel is believed to be the closest to the Creator, which gives him all the divine secrets of the Universes. He is usually pictured as an older masculine energy. He is calm, kind, and loving. Archangel Raziel’s interaction with one is very subtle. You may not even know he is there.
Raziel's aura is rainbow colors.
This activation will open you to the ‘secrets’ of the Universe and all within it.
Archangel Raziel Bundle
- Archangel Bio - get to know the gentle power of your chosen Archangel
- Archangel Activation MP3 [listen as often as you like]
- BONUS MP3- Quantum Numeric Healing Code [Guided installation] that embodies the energy of your Archangel. Simply listen to this recording as often as you like to reinforce and boost the power of your Archangel.
- BONUS MP3 - Quantum Sound Healing Code [Sonicodes™- sound healing thru specialized tuning forks] installation that embodies the energy of your Archangel. Simply listen to this recording as often as you like to reinforce and boost the power of your Archangel… you can even listen to this while driving.
- PLUS... BONUS - Energy Training Module... teaches you the tools to begin or expand upon your Intuitive Journey, and get you in sync with the Archangels.
PLUS... BONUS - ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON Package Includes:- Sandalphon Bio
- Sandalphon Activation
- Sandalphon Numeric Healing Code [Guided installation]
- Sandalphon Sound Healing Code [Sonicodes™]