- The Angel of Death… in a good way
- Azrael helps with all aspects of loss, death, and transitions.
- He is a grief counselor who lovingly guides souls to Heaven after their crossing.
- Ask for his help for healing and support if your heart is heavy with grief.
Loss can take many forms, and grief is the normal reaction to any kind of ending. Fortunately, Archangel Azrael is there to catch us whenever we fall.
In addition to the grief-stricken, Archangel Azrael helps those who perform grief counseling. At your request, Azrael can guide your speech as you talk to a bereaved person so that you choose comforting words. Azrael can also help you deliver a beautiful eulogy.
If you’re a professional counselor, then you know how often unhealed grief morphs into emotional and relationship issues, addictions, and other psychological maladies. So it’s a good idea to invite Azrael into your healing practice.
Azrael's aura is creamy white.
This activation will release the pain and grief from those who have suffered loss... ANY LOSS
Archangel Azrael Bundle
- Archangel Bio - get to know the gentle power of your chosen Archangel
- Archangel Activation MP3 [listen as often as you like]
- BONUS MP3- Quantum Numeric Healing Code [Guided installation] that embodies the energy of your Archangel. Simply listen to this recording as often as you like to reinforce and boost the power of your Archangel.
- BONUS MP3 - Quantum Sound Healing Code [Sonicodes™- sound healing thru specialized tuning forks] installation that embodies the energy of your Archangel. Simply listen to this recording as often as you like to reinforce and boost the power of your Archangel… you can even listen to this while driving.
- PLUS... BONUS - Energy Training Module... teaches you the tools to begin or expand upon your Intuitive Journey, and get you in sync with the Archangels.
PLUS... BONUS - ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON Package Includes:- Sandalphon Bio
- Sandalphon Activation
- Sandalphon Numeric Healing Code [Guided installation]
- Sandalphon Sound Healing Code [Sonicodes™]