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RIFE + CLEAR™ Healing Session

2 Healings in 1 Session

45 min
97 US dollars
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Service Description

Are you Ready to Accelerate Your Healing? >> CLEAR™ Energy Healing + RIFE Machine Electrical transmission Two Healing Modalities during a Single Session This is a 45 minute Session. Step 1: • Click BOOK NOW to select your session Date & Time ___[Listed appointment times are Pacific Standard Time]__ • Enter your Name and Email Step 2: * • PAY for the Session• * This session is all about you. - You ask your question, or voice your concern… - I clairvoyantly look at you and your energy space… Typical sessions include: - Transmission of RIFE Machine Frequencies A Rife Machine is an electrical frequency emitting device tuned to specific frequencies targeting parasites, bacteria & fungi. Once a physical anomaly presents itself, it becomes a harbor for parasites, bacteria & fungi. I use the Rife Machine as a complement to the energy work I perform which includes {but is not limited to} - Clearing and reestablishing your grounding - Clearing your energy channels - Re-booting your aura by removing and repairing anomalies that are not yours, or that no longer serve you - Resetting your energy to facilitate clear vision and renewed enthusiasm So… in addition to the energy work performed, I’m wired up to the Rife machine, and energetically transmit a ‘program’ of frequencies to you based on what it is you’re wanting to address. Be sure to download your CLEAR™ Healing Session Workbook where you set your intention for your session. [you'll be directed to the download link following your payment confirmation] • So How Does This Work? 1- Select a date & time from the calendar 2- Pay for your session • Watch for an email containing: - Your login information [Sessions are held via video conferencing] - Your Session Workbook I look forward to assisting you in CLEAR™ing your space. nancy **NOTE - Additional appointment times may be available. Use the site CHAT or email me.

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